Project Type Ongoing Projects Proposed Investment INR (In Cr) Proposed Employment
Large Projects
(MoU Signed with Investor)
141 15552.88 49574
MSME Projects 297 1239.99 12140
Grounded ITI 3 1101 375
Large Projects (Direct Investment recorded through Single Window) * 135 10417.21 20364
Grand Total 576 28311.08 82453

Note* : Data collated from October 2018 - June 2022

Ongoing Projects Prop. Emp. New Projects Expansion Projects
Department Name Count Prop. Inv. INR (In Cr) Prop. Emp. Count Prop. Inv. INR (In Cr) Prop. Emp. Count Prop. Inv. INR (In Cr) Prop. Emp.
Department of Agriculture 1 150 50 1 150 50 0 0 0
Center for Aromatic Plant(CAP) 3 13 340 2 11 320 1 2 20
Department of Animal Husbandry 3 3850 97 3 3850 97 - - -
Horticulture & Food Processing 26 735.5 13093 22 694 12823 4 41.5 270
Department of Medical Health & Family Welfare 28 840.94 3644 13 497.75 1895 15 343.19 1749
Department of Tourism 13 954 1885 11 900 1720 2 54 165
Department of Ayush 9 469 5230 5 252 4110 4 217 1120
Directorate of Industries 42 3834.25 10172 17 1778.21 3842 25 2056.04 6330
Excise Department 4 725 807 4 725 807 - - -
Information Technology and Development Agency 7 3252 12680 4 46 1050 3 3206 11630
Technical Education Skill and Employment 2 570 1250 1 70 250 1 500 1000
Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan 1 54.19 96 1 54.19 96 - - -
Herbal Research and Development Institute 1 25 100 1 25 100 - - -
Grand Total 140 15472.88 49444 85 9053.15 27160 55 6419.73 22284

Note* : (Details as per the data provided by Investors)